
IMSDSU has REplaced MIM

We finally have a new identity management portal for SDSUid. It is called IMSDSU. There is a link for it on the right side of the blog under “HUB LINKS”. You must log in with your -w account. Please make sure you know where it is and how to log in.

You can search for students by RedID, SDSUid, or name. Some things to remember:

  • In list view you can see more by clicking on the record
  • Choose “Edit” to get to other options
  • You MUST add a note to the bottom of the record BEFORE you resend an activation email
    • explain why a reset was necessary
    • this will help us see patterns and deal more efficiently with problem patrons
  • After saving the note use “Edit” to get back into the record from the list
  • To view previous notes entered use the drop down arrow next to the notes text box
  • DO NOT resend an activation email over the phone, the student must come in so we can validate their identity. If they have a legitimate reason for not coming in they must speak with me, Mike or Stephen.

Let me know if you have questions or comments.


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