
Government Publications now in compact shelving

Please see the email below about the recent move of government publications. Please refer people looking for government documents to the circulation desk for assistance retrieving material from this collection.

Over the past two weeks, the U.S. Government Publications and the California Government Publications collections were relocated from the 3rd Floor of the Love Library to compact shelving in the Library Addition. While the movers have completed their work, we are still in the process of reviewing and labeling the collections. If you should have a patron looking for a government publication, feel free to refer them to either myself (Michael Howser) or Kate Holvoet as we work to reassemble this collection.

  • Next Steps for the Government Documents Collection
  • These collections are undergoing a comprehensive review, following the guidelines set forth by the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). This review began in January of 2019 and will continue as we review the collection over the next several months. 
  • During the review process, items that have been identified for deaccessioning from the collections will be documented, offered to other FDLP libraries, and then removed from the collections at SDSU. This review is part of ensuring the overall usefulness and relevance of the U.S. government documents collections and is guided by the FDLP collection guidelines. 
  • As this review will take several more months complete, if you are trying to locate a document and can’t find it, or if you have any questions about the collections, feel free to contact myself or Kate Holvoet. 

We are especially grateful to Lisa Lamont and Maureen Dotson and everyone else who assisted in every aspect of the logistics of this move! The collections are now in ideal conditions while also freeing up valuable floor space on the 3rd Floor of the Love Library to make more student-focused research space available. We also want to thank everyone in cataloging for your efforts with updating Alma records for all of the U.S. Government Publications being reviewed and on the future updates of records as the collection review continues. 
Thanks everyone, for making this a successful move!

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