
SCUA is moving this summer

Please see email below for details:


Hi LFolks,

Here is your official informational email about the SCUA move!

What’s going on? SCUA is moving from LA4410 to LL120

When is this happening?Our doors will be closed to the public starting Monday, May 20th. We are currently expecting to reopen on Monday, August 19th (the week before classes start). 

What’s moving? Just about everything! Our service point and processed collections will be relocating to LL120. The main entrance to the new SCUA is just around the corner from the Marsh Room and the Chicanx Collection. This is the only entrance to the new SCUA; there are now walls where there used to be various doors! Rob Ray, Adam Burkhart, Lucas Buresch and Dakota Greenwich will be relocated to the first floor within the next month or so, and we’ll send an update when that happens. Their contact info should remain the same. As you all probably know, Anna Culbertson, Pam Jackson and Amanda Lanthorne are already in the new area. We three are behind two locked doors, so if you need one of us, contact us in advance so we can let you in. We will continue to store archival collections in LA 72 and the eventual plan is to relocate all unprocessed materials in LA 42 up to LA 4410.

How can I access SCUA? Inconsistently! We apologize for the inconvenience. Our collections and services will be in various states of transition and accessibility during the next 1-2 months. To err on the safe side, please refer all inquiries to our main email contact ( or our main phone line (4-6892). We will not be regularly able to answer this phone line, as we won’t be staffing a desk during the summer, but we will aim to check voicemail several times per day. Email is best. We will promptly respond to patron inquiries whether we can or can’t accommodate their requests! We also anticipate a brief period when our phone line is possibly disconnected for transfer and will send out a message to that effect once we know. 

What about SCUA on the library website?The locations for our materials in the library catalog and finding aid database will remain the same. We do need to update any references to physical locations on the library website and in the catalog, which we’ll be working on over the summer. We will also get website and digital signage notifications up asap.

Thank you all for your patience – we’ll do our best to communicate everything we know!

Any questions, send ’em my way.

Thanks, on behalf of SCUA,


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