
Degree Evaluations

Please make sure a student does not use any of the following characters in their SDSUid password as they may cause issues with the degree evaluation system:

  • ampersand (&)
  • less than (<) greater than (>)
  • the single quote (‘)
  • double quote (“)
  • the reverse single quote (`)

If a student has any of the about characters in their SDSUid password, have them reset it to one that does not. If they continue to have issues accessing degree evaluation after resetting their password, please have them contact the Office of Advising & Evaluations at or 619-594-6668.


Epublisher vendor contacs for Blackboard and Canvas

The bookstore has provided us with vendor contact information for various ebublishers used for textbooks and course materials on campus. We can give this contact information out to students that are having issues specific to a publisher’s platform and account setup particulars in Blackboard or Canvas. Please see message from bookstore below.

Electronic Publisher Materials. We are able to field questions in the bookstore but the scope of our knowledge of each platform is limited. But we are happy to try and answer them. Here is a list of publisher customer service numbers and websites.

McGraw Hill- 800-331-5094

Cengage- 800-354-9706




Gmail Search not Displaying trash or junk

Search Spam & Trash

Gmail won’t show messages from Spam or Trash in your results. This means when we ask a person to search for their activation email they will not see it if it is going to their spam folder or if they have sent it to trash. Follow the directions below to search all folders in Gmail.

Here’s how to see search messages in Spam and Trash:

  1. Open Gmail.
  2. In the search box at the top of the page, click the Down arrow .
  3. In the drop-down menu next to “Search,” select Mail & Spam & Trash.
  4. Enter your search information.
  5. At the bottom, click Search.

Adobe now requires SDSUid Login

Hello Everyone,

There has been a change to our campus license for Adobe Creative Suite. Because of this change, students must sign in to Adobe with their SDSUid before they can use any of the Creative Suite programs on our public machines. This includes Adobe Acrobat. Students should sign in with their SDSUid at the main Adobe login screen and enter their password if asked. When running any Adobe app for the first time, they may be presented with a welcome screen that prompts them to start a tour, simply have them close the window to start using the program. Please let us know if you have any questions about this change.

Some things to know: Unlike the student license they may have purchased for home use, the lab license requires them so sign in at the main login screen not the “Sign in with an Enterprise ID” option. It may or may not ask them for a full sign-in depending on who logged into the computer. If a generic account logs in to the computer, the Adobe sign-in will fail. If the person who logged into the computer signs in to Adobe, it will not ask for a password. If a different person logs in to Adobe that did not log in to the computer, Adobe will send them to the Microsoft sign in and ask for username and password. If they log in using the Enterprise ID option, it will still work.

Please let me know if you have questions.



Wells Fargo Financial Markets Lab Name Change

The Well Fargo Financial Markets Lab, LL-261, is now called the Financial Markets Lab. Please be aware it may still be referred to as the Wells Fargo lab or the Bloomberg lab.



guest WiFi Login page

If a guest wireless user is not being prompted with the guest login page, you can try to have them navigate there directly using the following url:


DHC Closed for Summer

Please see email below for more details:



I hope you’re all doing well during this busy finals season. We wanted to notify everyone that the DH Center will be closed for the summer sessions starting May 17. The date for our summer closure has been updated on the library calendar hours website.

Please let me know if you any questions, thanks!



SCUA is moving this summer

Please see email below for details:


Hi LFolks,

Here is your official informational email about the SCUA move!

What’s going on? SCUA is moving from LA4410 to LL120

When is this happening?Our doors will be closed to the public starting Monday, May 20th. We are currently expecting to reopen on Monday, August 19th (the week before classes start). 

What’s moving? Just about everything! Our service point and processed collections will be relocating to LL120. The main entrance to the new SCUA is just around the corner from the Marsh Room and the Chicanx Collection. This is the only entrance to the new SCUA; there are now walls where there used to be various doors! Rob Ray, Adam Burkhart, Lucas Buresch and Dakota Greenwich will be relocated to the first floor within the next month or so, and we’ll send an update when that happens. Their contact info should remain the same. As you all probably know, Anna Culbertson, Pam Jackson and Amanda Lanthorne are already in the new area. We three are behind two locked doors, so if you need one of us, contact us in advance so we can let you in. We will continue to store archival collections in LA 72 and the eventual plan is to relocate all unprocessed materials in LA 42 up to LA 4410.

How can I access SCUA? Inconsistently! We apologize for the inconvenience. Our collections and services will be in various states of transition and accessibility during the next 1-2 months. To err on the safe side, please refer all inquiries to our main email contact ( or our main phone line (4-6892). We will not be regularly able to answer this phone line, as we won’t be staffing a desk during the summer, but we will aim to check voicemail several times per day. Email is best. We will promptly respond to patron inquiries whether we can or can’t accommodate their requests! We also anticipate a brief period when our phone line is possibly disconnected for transfer and will send out a message to that effect once we know. 

What about SCUA on the library website?The locations for our materials in the library catalog and finding aid database will remain the same. We do need to update any references to physical locations on the library website and in the catalog, which we’ll be working on over the summer. We will also get website and digital signage notifications up asap.

Thank you all for your patience – we’ll do our best to communicate everything we know!

Any questions, send ’em my way.

Thanks, on behalf of SCUA,



Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Licensing Issue

If a student currenlty has a personal account for Adobe CC, such as the free version, then purchases the student subscription using their SDSUid, they should receive a confirmation email from Adobe CC. Once they receive the confirmaion email, they must sign out of their personal Adobe CC apps then sign back in with their SDSUid for the new license to take affect. This should fix any licensing issues they might be having. The issues usually occur because they are logging into a personal account rather than an enterprise account.


Government Publications now in compact shelving

Please see the email below about the recent move of government publications. Please refer people looking for government documents to the circulation desk for assistance retrieving material from this collection.

Over the past two weeks, the U.S. Government Publications and the California Government Publications collections were relocated from the 3rd Floor of the Love Library to compact shelving in the Library Addition. While the movers have completed their work, we are still in the process of reviewing and labeling the collections. If you should have a patron looking for a government publication, feel free to refer them to either myself (Michael Howser) or Kate Holvoet as we work to reassemble this collection.

  • Next Steps for the Government Documents Collection
  • These collections are undergoing a comprehensive review, following the guidelines set forth by the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). This review began in January of 2019 and will continue as we review the collection over the next several months. 
  • During the review process, items that have been identified for deaccessioning from the collections will be documented, offered to other FDLP libraries, and then removed from the collections at SDSU. This review is part of ensuring the overall usefulness and relevance of the U.S. government documents collections and is guided by the FDLP collection guidelines. 
  • As this review will take several more months complete, if you are trying to locate a document and can’t find it, or if you have any questions about the collections, feel free to contact myself or Kate Holvoet. 

We are especially grateful to Lisa Lamont and Maureen Dotson and everyone else who assisted in every aspect of the logistics of this move! The collections are now in ideal conditions while also freeing up valuable floor space on the 3rd Floor of the Love Library to make more student-focused research space available. We also want to thank everyone in cataloging for your efforts with updating Alma records for all of the U.S. Government Publications being reviewed and on the future updates of records as the collection review continues. 
Thanks everyone, for making this a successful move!