
Use -w for google calendar and drive

We are moving away from the shared scc gmail account for accessing Google calendar and drive. Your -w account is a Google account. You know all have access to the Hub Student Calendar and a Team Drive via your -w account. Please keep your work email, calendar and drive open in Mozilla Firefox while at the desk. Please only make changes to the calendar via your -w account.  I will be removing the old calendar this week.

I will work with each of you to update your work bookmarks to reflex this change. Thank you for your patience through all these new transitions.



IMSDSU has REplaced MIM

We finally have a new identity management portal for SDSUid. It is called IMSDSU. There is a link for it on the right side of the blog under “HUB LINKS”. You must log in with your -w account. Please make sure you know where it is and how to log in.

You can search for students by RedID, SDSUid, or name. Some things to remember:

  • In list view you can see more by clicking on the record
  • Choose “Edit” to get to other options
  • You MUST add a note to the bottom of the record BEFORE you resend an activation email
    • explain why a reset was necessary
    • this will help us see patterns and deal more efficiently with problem patrons
  • After saving the note use “Edit” to get back into the record from the list
  • To view previous notes entered use the drop down arrow next to the notes text box
  • DO NOT resend an activation email over the phone, the student must come in so we can validate their identity. If they have a legitimate reason for not coming in they must speak with me, Mike or Stephen.

Let me know if you have questions or comments.



Generic Login profile Being Deactivated

The generic login profile we all used at the desk, lib-hubdesk, is being deactivated on Monday.  If you have any files saved to that profile, please move them to your new profile or delete them before Monday, Feb 18, 2019.



Comm 103 ALLY Support

Blackboard Ally Support Information

Instructional Technology Services is piloting new software in each section of Comm103 during Spring 2019. There are approximately 110 sections of Comm 103 this spring.

What does Blackboard Ally Do?

Blackboard Ally takes uploaded documents in a Blackboard course and converts them to Alternative Formats. Below is a list of the Alternative Formats and how each format can be used:

  • PDF (PDF files are good for printing and do not require Microsoft Office to view and read)
  • HTML  (HTML files are good for viewing in web browser and do need Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat to view)
  • ePub (ePub files work well on mobile devices such as phone or iPad by accommodating smaller screen sizes or dynamic screens)
  • Electronic braille (This format is designed for tactile braille displays) Note that students will likely not need this file type.
  • Audio MP3 (This format allows you to listen to documents on a computer or mobile device)

How Do Students Access the Alternative Formats?

This short movie shows how students access these alternative formats:

How to Support Blackboard Ally

Students may need help in the following:

  • How to locate the Alternative Formats in the course
  • How to locate a downloaded Alternative Format file
  • How to open a file (PDF, ePub, or MP3)
  • Help understanding which Alternative format is best for their purpose

Questions you need to forward to Josie or Jon Rizzo:

  • Students report that an Alternative Format is inaccurate
  • Students report that there are technical problems that do not let them access the Alternative Formats. Please keep in mind that Alternative Formats are generated for items that are documents such as PowerPoint, PDFs, MSWord, Excel, etc. Links to websites, tests, discussion board, and course tools will not have Alternative Formats.
  • Any other questions in which you are unsure of the answers